Consisting of David Marks (a one-time Beach Boy, filling in while AI Jardine completed his dentistry studies), garage rock alumni Matthew Moore, Andy 'Drew'Bennett and Larry Brown (both previously in LA fuzz rock supremos Davie Allan And The Arrows), The Moon spent a staggering 540 hours in the studio (much of it stoned, apparently) producing the 30 minutes of music for their 1967 debut Without Earth. Unpromoted by its cash-strapped label, it failed to chart, a fate also suffered by 1969 follow-up The Moon. Competent but unexceptional, the band failed to transcend the limitations of the psych-rock genre.
Consisting of David Marks (a one-time Beach Boy, filling in while AI Jardine completed his dentistry studies), garage rock alumni Matthew Moore, Andy ‘Drew’Bennett and Larry Brown (both previously in LA fuzz rock supremos Davie Allan And The Arrows), The Moon spent a staggering 540 hours in the studio (much of it stoned, apparently) producing the 30 minutes of music for their 1967 debut Without Earth.
Unpromoted by its cash-strapped label, it failed to chart, a fate also suffered by 1969 follow-up The Moon. Competent but unexceptional, the band failed to transcend the limitations of the psych-rock genre.