Bernard Herrmann. To any soundtrack devotee the name's sacred. From Psycho to Taxi Driver, his music made good movies great and great movies greater. Here he even caused a rubbish film to linger in the collective memory. Flying saucers and robots were '50s cinema staples, spawned by a real public fear of science (in the aftermath of the atomic bomb). Robert Wise's 1951 sci-fi message movie (war is bad) would today look more hilarious than it does were it not for Herrmann's tonal and symmetrical score. Conducted by Joel McNeely, here it's been recorded in digital sound for the first time. Your Earth will move.
Bernard Herrmann. To any soundtrack devotee the name’s sacred. From Psycho to Taxi Driver, his music made good movies great and great movies greater. Here he even caused a rubbish film to linger in the collective memory. Flying saucers and robots were ’50s cinema staples, spawned by a real public fear of science (in the aftermath of the atomic bomb). Robert Wise’s 1951 sci-fi message movie (war is bad) would today look more hilarious than it does were it not for Herrmann’s tonal and symmetrical score. Conducted by Joel McNeely, here it’s been recorded in digital sound for the first time. Your Earth will move.