Finding Nemo

Just the most delightful Pixar movie yet, as Albert Brooks' worrisome clown fish Marlin travels half way round the world in search of missing son Nemo, aided by Ellen DeGeneres' scatty Dory. Tightly written, warm-hearted but never sentimental, and graced by a series of perfectly judged celebrity cameos headed by Eric Bana's vegetarian shark. Superb.

Just the most delightful Pixar movie yet, as Albert Brooks' worrisome clown fish Marlin travels half way round the world in search of missing son Nemo, aided by Ellen DeGeneres' scatty Dory. Tightly written, warm-hearted but never sentimental, and graced by a series of perfectly judged celebrity cameos headed by Eric Bana's vegetarian shark. Superb.

Just the most delightful Pixar movie yet, as Albert Brooks’ worrisome clown fish Marlin travels half way round the world in search of missing son Nemo, aided by Ellen DeGeneres’ scatty Dory. Tightly written, warm-hearted but never sentimental, and graced by a series of perfectly judged celebrity cameos headed by Eric Bana’s vegetarian shark. Superb.

finding-nemoJust the most delightful Pixar movie yet, as Albert Brooks' worrisome clown fish Marlin travels half way round the world in search of missing son Nemo, aided by Ellen DeGeneres' scatty Dory. Tightly written, warm-hearted but never sentimental, and graced by a series of...