Years in the making, Uncut proudly presents one of their greatest Ultimate Music Guides to date; a special issue dedicated entirely to Bob Dylan. We tell the complete story of an extraordinary career, using rare interviews and features rediscovered in the NME and Melody Maker archives. “One thing I know is that you can’t please everybody,” Dylan told one lucky interviewer in 1964. “I’m good, kind, gentle, I think – mean no harm to anybody; but people pick me apart.”
Over 50 years on, Uncut’s team of esteemed writers have taken a new opportunity to pull Dylan apart. We’ve written in-depth new pieces on all 36 of his storied albums, from 1962’s Bob Dylan to this year’s Shadows In The Night; 36 valiant, insightful attempts to unpick a lifetime of unparalleled creativity, in which the rich history, sounds and stories of America have been transformed, again and again, into something radical and new. In which Bob Dylan has revolutionised our culture, several times, more or less single-handedly. That’s the Ultimate Music Guide: a master under the microscope!

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