Club Uncut is proud to present Wooden Shjips as our headliners on August 19.

The psychedelic four man band from San Francisco, who are about to release their third album ‘Dos’ describe their music as “minimalist psych bop”.


Uncut’s John Mulvey thinks they are heavily indebted to the sounds of The Spacemen 3. You can read his blog on the band and the new album here.

As usual with our monthly live shows, Wooden Shjips will play at London’s Borderline venue, just off Manette Street in London W1.

Supports are still to be confirmed, but you can can get your tickets for the show now, by clicking here:


In the meantime, have a listen to some Wooden Shjips tracks here, we particularly like new Sub Pop 7″ single “Loose Lips”, check it out here:

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