As I mentioned briefly last week, I’ve started a Twitter account to try and make up for the lack of activity here on the blog.


You can find and follow me @JohnRMulvey. Obviously I’ll continue to post here, and endeavour to file some longer pieces as well as all the playlists, but I figured that Twitter would be a much more efficient way to keep in touch in what appear to be enduringly busy times.

Apologies for all the bollocks about cricket/bike rides that I posted while taking some time off at the end of last week: I guess I’m slowly working out how I should use the account, for better and worse. Rather suspicious of the potential for self-indulgence, already, but we’ll see how it goes.

I’ll try and be available to answer questions there, too, so don’t be strangers – though the usual rule applies: please don’t make me say bad things, be good to focus on all the good music being made, rather than grouching about stuff that can usefully be ignored. Sound OK?