Margo Price is back with new music. Scroll down to hear her new track, “Been To The Mountain“.

“Been To The Mountain” was produced by Jonathan Wilson, written by Margo Price and her partner Jeremy Ivey, and recorded at Fivestar Studios in Topanga Canyon.


“‘Been To The Mountain’ is part one of an introspective trip into our subconscious,” says Price. “It is the perfect continuation of my search for freedom in my art and freedom in the modern age. I have a lot of high hopes for this next chapter and truly believe this is the most exciting music I’ve ever made in the studio with my band. We have all grown so much, we operate like one single organism – it’s telepathic. Courtney Hoffman brought my wild visions to life with the help of an incredible cast and crew in the music video. I wanted the story’s hypothetical 8 to 12 hour window to feel like a mini-lifetime. We also wanted to portray how an intense psychedelic experience has the potential to become a spiritual experience, and how that can change your perception of the world around you.”

It’s a busy time for Price. As well as the single, she has her memoir Maybe We’ll Make It published by the University of Texas Press on October 4.

Price has also just launched her own, six-part Sonos Radio show, Runaway Horses. The series begins today with Emmylou Harris as guest. Future episodes include Amythyst Kiah, Swamp Dogg, Bob Weir, Bettye LaVette and Lucius. New instalments of Runaway Horses will be released weekly for the next five Thursdays and are available on Sonos Radio’s various platforms.