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Watch The Uncut Music Awards!

After posting full transcripts of our judges choosing Fleet Foxes as the winner of our first Uncut Music Award, you can now watch the judges in action, too.

After posting full transcripts of our judges choosing Fleet Foxes as the winner of our first Uncut Music Award, you can now watch the judges in action, too. Here's our highlights package, where you can see Mark Radcliffe, Linda Thompson and the others talking about the eight records on our shortlist. [youtube]tfhcVlOSjlU[/youtube]

After posting full transcripts of our judges choosing Fleet Foxes as the winner of our first Uncut Music Award, you can now watch the judges in action, too.

Here’s our highlights package, where you can see Mark Radcliffe, Linda Thompson and the others talking about the eight records on our shortlist.

