Home News Watch: Baloji’s “Karibu Ya Bintou”

Watch: Baloji’s “Karibu Ya Bintou”

Loving this today: Baloji’s “Karibu Ya Bintou”, an incredible Belgian/Congolese hip hop track rooted in the reverberant scrap clatter of Konono N°1. The video’s great, too, filmed on the streets of Kinshasa and culminating in some pretty intense wrestling.

Loving this today: Baloji’s “Karibu Ya Bintou”, an incredible Belgian/Congolese hip hop track rooted in the reverberant scrap clatter of Konono N°1. The video’s great, too, filmed on the streets of Kinshasa and culminating in some pretty intense wrestling. [youtube]SfunS_xZK0M[/youtube] Let me know what you think, and also if you can find a way of getting hold of Baloji’s “Kinshasa Succursale”, which I’d love to hear. Also, I should give thanks here to Bass Clef, whose Twitter feed is what originally brought this one to our attention.

Loving this today: Baloji’s “Karibu Ya Bintou”, an incredible Belgian/Congolese hip hop track rooted in the reverberant scrap clatter of Konono N°1. The video’s great, too, filmed on the streets of Kinshasa and culminating in some pretty intense wrestling.


Let me know what you think, and also if you can find a way of getting hold of Baloji’s “Kinshasa Succursale”, which I’d love to hear. Also, I should give thanks here to Bass Clef, whose Twitter feed is what originally brought this one to our attention.
