The War Child ‘Heroes’ album which was slated to be released on November 24 has been postponed until early next year, after an overwhelming number of artists have asked to be part of the money-raising project.

As previously reported, Paul McCartney, Bob Dylan, Brian Wilson, The Clash and David Bowie are already on board with the covers album project where artists pick a track from their back catalogue and nominate a contemporary musician or band to record a new version.


War Child say about the delay to Heroes Vol 1: “We have been over-whelmed and amazed by the response to the project. The wealth of talent who have contacted us wishing to support the charity and contribute to the album is humbling and we are delighted to have been able to change our deadlines to accommodate some of them. It was impossible to say no.”

Other artists already confirmed to appear include Rufus Wainwright, Duffy, Hot Chip and The Kooks.

More information about the compilation and about War Child is available here,


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