The Flaming Lips teamed up with Julianna Barwick to cover The Beatles’ “She’s Leaving Home” and David Bowie’s “Warszawa” at a benefit show in New York City on March 5 – watch videos of their versions below.

The group were performing at the annual Tibet House Benefit Concert, at the city’s Carnegie Hall, according to The Future Heart via Pitchfork. The evening also saw an appearance from Patti Smith, who performed her own “People Have The Power”, joined by Debbie Harry, Dev Hynes, Philip Glass and Miley Cyrus.


Julianna Barwick has form with the Lips – she performed on Wayne Coyne and co’s studio version of “She’s Leaving Home” on their Sgt Pepper’s Lonely Hearts Club Band cover album, With A Little Help From My Fwends, released last year.

The Tibet House Benefit Concert is a yearly fundraiser in support of the institution, which works to preserve and celebrate Tibetan culture.

Watch the videos below:
