Ryan Adams has begun demoing songs for his next album only weeks after the release of his last, October’s “Cardinology”.

The singer-songwriter has been recording more than twelve tracks, which he claims may be collected under the title of “Dear Impossible”.


According to Billboard.com, Adams has described the tracks on his blog as being in a “more pop, melodic style”, and has likened them to The Smiths“Hatful Of Hollow” and, more bizarrely, Sonic Youth‘s “Sister”.

Writing on his blog, he said: “Songs need seasons. So it’s springtime for these… The guys, my BFF’s in the [Cardinals, Adams‘ backing band], all gave me way thumbs up on almost all of them so I figured why not get the working model down now.”

Adams has reportedly been recording the following songs:



“So Quiet, It’s Loud”

“Goodbye Sunshine”

“Universe Size Arms”

“Dear Impossible”

“Please, Hold On”

“Souls Full Of Holes”

“OK, I Surrender”

“Wild And Hopeless”

“Kaleidoscope Eyes”

“Your Name Here”


“The Lights”

“Lost In Space”

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