Russian Prime Minister Dmitry Medvedev has said that he thinks the three imprisoned members of the punk collective Pussy Riot should be freed.

Though he admits that he was “sickened” by their ‘punk prayer’ protest, the Wall Street Journal reports that during a meeting of the United Russia party, Medvedev said: “Prolonging their time in prison in connection to this case seems unproductive.”


He added: “The term is very strong. I would even say a terrible burden. I don’t want to replace the judge… but the time they have already served is, in essence, more than enough to make them think about what happened, whether it was from their own stupidity or for other reasons.”

The three jailed women’s case is up for appeal on October 1. They received two-year prison sentences on August 17 after being found guilty of hooliganism motivated by religious hatred.

Pussy Riot recently delivered a video message to their supporters, which you can watch below. The video features members of the collective abseiling down a wall before setting fire to an image of President Vladimir Putin.


“We’ve been fighting for the right to sing, to think, to criticise,” they say. “To be musicians and artists ready to do everything to change our country. No matter the risks, we go on with our musical fight in Russia”.

“Start the pussy riot and never stop,” they conclude. “The fight for freedom is an endless battle that is bigger than life.”