Robert Plant stunned village goers in the rural town of Northlearch, Gloucestershire last weekend when he performed at the town’s local church.

Plant was joined by Steve Winwood, Bill Hunt from Wizzard and Tony Kelsey from The Move at the St. Peter and St. Paul church on April 13 with all proceeds of over £5,000 going toward The Children’s Society, Christian Aid and Open Doors.


Over 400 villagers crammed into the church for the annual charity event, which usually only attracts around half that number.

Organiser of the event, 71-year-old retired gardener Gordon Jackson, discussed the performance with the Gloucestershire Echo, saying: “I had his contact details, so I sent him an email asking him if he fancied playing, and got one back within an hour saying yes. Robert performed ‘Nobody’s Fault But Mine‘, and he asked Steve if he wanted to sing a verse or two. So they duetted, I don’t think they’ve ever done that before.”

He continued: “I’ve been putting on a concert since 1991, I started in Bourton-on-the-Water where I ran a youth group, and Steve Winwood has been taking part since the start. We’ve had all sorts of people, Ruby Turner has played for three years.”


Jackson went on to comment that next year’s event would have to be even bigger, joking he would need to get Elvis Presley to perform.