Public Image Ltd look set to record their first album for almost 20 years after completing their forthcoming US tour.

John Lydon says the reunited band will fund the record from money raised on the tour, and possibly record it at his home studio in Los Angeles.


“We’ve got no backing – no record company, no sponsors, nothing like that,” Lydon told Billboard. “The only way we can make money is the touring, and then we can make a new album. It’s sort of like the old days of PiL, when the [Sex] Pistols went kaput; I had to scrimp and scrape out of my own pocket. Not much has changed.”

Lydon added that he’s been busy writing new material for the album.

“I never stop writing. Most of my influences have never really come from a musical act. It tends to be things like the poetic beat of a newscast. There’s a rhythm to the way it’s laid out. Movies can do that. Shakespeare and good poetry does that, and a bloody good book does that, or just a long walk.”


Public Image Ltd have not released a studio album since 1992’s ‘That What Is Not’.

The band kick off their US tour at the Coachella festival on April 16.

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