Charlie Gilmour, the son of Pink Floyd guitarist David Gilmour, has pleaded guilty to violent disorder.

Gilmour has admitted to throwing a bin at a convoy of cars which included one carrying Prince Charles and Camilla Parker-Bowles. The incident took place on Regent Street in London on December 9 last year during a protest about student fees.


According to the Daily Mail Gilmour pleaded guilty this morning at Kingston Crown Court. After giving his plea he was bailed until July 8 so he can complete his exams at Cambridge University. He was warned by Judge Nicholas Price though that he may face a spell in prison when he is sentenced formally in July.

Price told Gilmour: “You have accepted counts of a serious matter and it may well be the course of one of immediate custody. This matter will come back to this court on July 8.”

The 21 year-old has since apologised for his actions, calling them “a moment of idiocy.”


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