Babyshambles and ex-Libertines singer Pete Doherty has been found guilty of assaulting a BBC reporter last March.

Doherty pleaded guilty and was fined £750 at Thames Magistrates’ Court for the attack.


In a statement, the 27-year-old slightly repented by saying, “If I hurt this lady I’m sorry.”

However despite the apology, Doherty also added that the hurt Radio 1 reporter, Trudi Barber is a member of “harassing scrum press.”

Magistrate Helen Skinner at the court responded to Doherty’s comments by saying, “Referring to the press as scum does no one any favours.


You were obviously courting publicity judging by your somewhat extravagant behaviour outside the court.

She concluded “People in public life have a responsibility to behave and be a good role model to others.”

The singer, who was recently being treated at the Priory for drug addiction, was also ordered to pay £250 compensation and another £200 in court costs, reported BBC News.

Doherty told the court that he was unable to pay the fine on the day as he only had 27p on him.

He has been given seven days to pay up.