Paul Weller has confirmed that he will never reform The Jam as “it would be absurd”.

The Modfather said he admires bands like The Rolling Stones who keep rocking into their late-sixties but admits he couldn’t do it, as he doesn’t want to be performing songs that are over 30 years old.


He told The Sun: “I take my hat off to people like the Stones but it’s not for me. I couldn’t do that. Jagger is brilliant and long may he rock. I couldn’t make my career out of old songs, it would do my head in.”

Weller has reportedly turned down millions in the past to reunite The Jam, who split up in 1982, with drummer Rick Buckler and bassist Bruce Foxton, but it doesn’t look likely that money will ever change his mind.

“We haven’t had 30 years of us continuing making lousy records, which is the case for some bands,” he continued. “No way would it happen. You can’t recapture those things, and also why should you? It would be absurd – three 50-year-old geezers jumping around the stage.”


Meanwhile, Paul Weller recently told NME that he has “just started getting excited” about indie music again. “It’s been shit for the last few years,” he said. “But there’s just a few bands I’ve heard who seem to be doing it for the right reasons.”

He added: “I loved the Palma Violets single, and I keep hearing a load of different things that are turning me on. I saw that band The Strypes recently and it was just, ‘Wow’. The guitarist is fucking amazing. Really raised my game that did.”