Patti Smith has joined forces with international art group Soundwalk Collective (Stephan Crasneanscki, Simone Merli and Kamran Sadeghi) to perform the poetry of Nico.

The piece, called Killer Road, is an immersive aural journey based on the day the Velvet Underground vocalist died in Ibiza in 1988.


The performance pairs a multi-instrumental soundscape, also featuring Nico’s signature harmonium sound, with Patti Smith reciting the last unpublished poems by the German chanteuse.

The event will take place at London’s Barbican Hall on Wednesday, October 22.


Tickets are priced between £17.50 – £25.

The go on sale at 10am on Thursday, July 17 to Barbican members and at 10am on Friday, July 18 to the general public.

You can find more information here.