Morrissey has issued a statement intended to clarify his sexuality, after opening up in Autobiography about his relationship with a man.

The statement, which appeared on the quasi-official site, True To You, says:


“Unfortunately, I am not homosexual. In technical fact, I am humasexual. I am attracted to humans. But, of course … not many”.

-MORRISSEY, Sweden, 19 October 2013.”

The relationship in question was with Jake Owen Walters. “Jake and I neither sought not needed company other than our own for the whirlwind stretch to come,” Morrissey writes. “Indulgently Jake and I test how far each of us can go before ‘being dwelt in’ causes cries of intolerable struggle, but our closeness transcends such visitations.”


Elsewhere in his memoir, Morrissey also discusses his lack of interest in girls as a youth: “Girls remained mysteriously attracted to me, and I had no idea why, since although each fumbling foray hit the target, nothing electrifying took place, and I turned a thousand corners without caring … Far more exciting were the array of stylish racing bikes that my father would bring home.”

You can read Uncut’s review of Autobiography here.