Michelle Shocked, in a series of vague, hard to parse tweets, may be claiming homophobic remarks made on Sunday were intended in irony.


As we have reported witnesses claim Shocked told her audience at a March 17 show in San Francisco “When they stop Prop 8 [the California initiative that banned gay marriage] and force priests at gunpoint to marry gays, it will be the downfall of civilization and Jesus will come back” and “You are going to leave here and tell people ‘Michelle Shocked said God hates faggots” amid an anti-gay rant. Shocked is yet to publicly respond.

Though the singer has replied to a number of tweets, she rarely answers in a straight answer and it’s often hard to tell her serious message – like when she corrects users who ask her why she said “God hates fags:”


She chides fans, journalists and miscellaneous people looking for a clear response to the incident.

But to extrapolate from the three tweets that seem both serious and address the heart of controversy, Shocked appears to be saying her statement was misunderstood by the crowd, taken out of context, meant ironically and reflects the opposite of her beliefs.

As Shocked alludes in her response to Ultramundane, she will be giving a full account on Nichole Sandler’s radio show, tomorrow at 8 am PST.