Home News Led Zeppelin For Sale On eBay!

Led Zeppelin For Sale On eBay!

6 days to go and there’s a whole lotta crazy Zep stuff on offer online

The planet seems to have gone Zeppelin mad since Jimmy Page, Robert Plant and John Paul Jones announced details of THAT gig a while back, and auction site eBay – online barometer of our times – is no exception. In the last month there has been a Zep-related product for sale every FIVE minutes ...

The planet seems to have gone Zeppelin mad since Jimmy Page, Robert Plant and John Paul Jones announced details of THAT gig a while back, and auction site eBay – online barometer of our times – is no exception.

In the last month there has been a Zep-related product for sale every FIVE minutes on the site – that’s all day, every day – and on eBay right this moment there are over 3000 bits of Zep kit to tempt the diehard fan.

And aside from the expected stuff (CDs, records, posters, DVDs, the odd possibly illegal offer of passcodes that allow the user to secure gig tickets) there is a mountain of rather random Zep paraphenalia too.

Here’s our favourite ten Led Zep items offered for sale recently!

Click on the items in red to see the listing in all its glory.

1. Who would have known that a Led Zeppelin pewter belt buckle was an essential purchase?

2. …Or that our lives would be incomplete without the John Bonham memorial coin? (£26 to you, guv).

3. And what about this? – a deeply stylish pair of Zep pyjama bottoms, our “lounge pants” as our transatlantic cousins call ‘em. As primal and sexy as Bob Plant in his heyday, buy these and surely the groupies will flock to your side…

4. Led Zeppelin Neon Bar Sign – It’s made of “highest quality acrylic”. Make it the centrepiece of your lounge – that’ll please the missus…

5. Led Zeppelin Money Clip– Lots of spare cash after you failed to bag a ticket for next week? Store your wad in this stylish rocktastic wallet…

6. Led Zeppelin pocket ashtray– Perfect for the smoker who’s always on the go…

7. Led Zeppelin hoodie – Get down with the ASBO kids in this piece of high fashion, confusingly described as “Classic Punk Rock”…

8. Led Zeppelin Audio CD visor – The perfect place to keep that copy of In Through The Out Door while driving…

9. Led Zeppelin 22” lanyard – Why? Oh – “to hang your cell phone and keys”… that’s Xmas for dad sorted then…

10. Led Zeppelin Tie-Dyed Wall Tapestry – No self-respecting student should be without this design masterpiece. It probably even smells of patchouli oil! Right on!

One last thing: why is no-one flogging v-neck Zep cashmere sweaters? (Kashmir/cashmere – geddit?) Now there’s an idea…

