Uncut is on site at Latitude 2009 – and the opening day, proper (Friday July 17) has so far thrown up a multitude of musical delights.

Highlights so far, in no particular order include Fever Ray – featuring The Knife‘s Karin dressed up in a bizarre totem-pole style outfit, singing obscured with smoke, The Divine Comedy’s Duckworth Lewis Method, where even the fans in the crowd were dressed in their best cricket whites and The Mummers.


Also so far Uncut has caught Chairlift, 1990s, Amazing Baby, Edwyn Collins, and The Pretenders, plus we’ve been filing on overheard conversations – funny reading indeed!

See here for the just in, full Pretenders report and Allan Jones’ Editors blog .

Stay tuned for Uncut Arena headliner’s Bat For Lashes and Friday’s headliner’s disco queens Pet Shop Boys.


Uncut will be bringing you news, reviews, blogs and pics from Latitude 2009 for the next three days : Stay in the loop with festival news at our dedicated blog here .

On site all weekend, we will bring you up-to-the-minute coverage from the music, theatre, comedy and other arenas.

Feel free to send us your comments via Twitter. Your observations will be published here at www.uncut.co.uk.

Pic credit: Richard Johnson