Kasabian’s Serge Pizzorno has waded into the MPs’ expenses quagmire in an interview with Uncut . “I bet Douglas Hogg thinks everyone in England has got a moat,” he said. “I bet everyone he knows has a moat.

“To be honest, I quite like the idea that he finds it impossible to do any work unless he’s got a clean moat. I have visions of him sitting around in one of those dressing gowns that looks like a sleeping bag, smoking expensive cigarettes through a cigarette holder and wondering how a gentleman can lift a finger with a filthy moat to worry about.


“I am definitely warming to Douglas Hogg MP. It’s a shame he’s not a lord, then he’d be Lord Hogg, it’d sort of complete the picture.”

Kasabian’s third album, West Ryder Pauper Lunatic Asylum, is released on June 8.

Meanwhile, Douglas Hogg – the Third Viscount Hailsham, incidentally – announced yesterday that he will not be fighting the next election. He has repaid the £2,200 allegedly claimed for the clearing of his moat at Kettleburgh Hall, his country estate.


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