Kasabian have commented on why they called their latest album ‘West Ryder Pauper Lunatic Asylum’, as the album looks set to debut at No. 1 in the UK album chart this Sunday (June 14).

Currently No 1 according to midweek chart figures, Kasabian’s guitarist Sergio Pizzorno has said that the record’s title is named after the Yorkshire hospital High Royds – the same place that is also the title subject of the Kaiser Chiefs track “Highroyds”.


Pizzorno said to NME.com that: “The album isn’t about the place, I just first heard about it on a TV documentary, and the words just struck me. I love the way it looked and the feeling it evokes. Apparently, it was one of the first loony bins for the poor, before that it was mainly rich people who got treatment.”

He added: “The album cover comes from thinking about the words really. It’s us getting dressed up for a party at the asylum, looking in the mirror at the costumes.”

You can read Uncut’s four-star rated ‘West Ryder Pauper Lunatic Asylum’ Kasabian album review here


Kasabian are set to appear for the second time on Glastonbury Festival’s Pyramid stage, this year, invited as ‘special guests’ to headliner Bruce Springsteen.

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