Revered film maker John Carpenter has discussed details about a new film featuring cult anti-hero Snake Plissken from “Escape From New York.”

The original classic ’81 film starring Kurt Russell as Plissken, was set in a


future where Manhattan district is now a high security prison, from which he must rescue the President of the United States.

Carpenter who is currently attached as executive producer believes that

rather than a straight remake or sequel, the film is likely to be a prequel-like look at the characters activities before the events of the original.


He has said of the production so far, “…I read the scripts and make sure the character is the same character that we wrote originally. My other main involvement…is to extend my hand and have a check placed in it.”

Talk of revisiting Carpenter’s oeuvre follows recent news that heavy

metal star Rob Zombie is to direct a remake of Carpenter’s 1978 classic “Halloween.”