Guitar media brand will stage a virtual event over three days this October. Dubbed Live, the free online guitar show will feature performances, masterclasses, keynotes, product launches and more.

Launching partners for the event, which takes place from October 2 to 4, include the likes of Taylor Guitars, PRS Guitars, Ernie Ball, Music Man and MONO. Attendance is free and registration is open now here. Early bird registrants will be in the running to win a year’s free subscription to Guitar Magazine, the brand’s print magazine.


In a statement, chief editor Chris Vinnicombe said, “Audiences can expect to experience a series of incredibly immersive virtual spaces, as well as see the latest gear, hear breaking news first-hand and get up close (virtually) to their heroes. It’s also perfectly timed for guitar players to figure out what they might want to get – and give – this holiday season.”

Products and gear will take the centre-stage in the Live Hub’s Showcase section, which will function as a virtual showroom for brands to launch products and host Q&As. Elsewhere, The Main Stage will host artist performances, masterclasses and video podcasts, while industry discussions, gear reviews and interviews will take place in The Lounge.

More details on Live will be released in the lead-up to the event.


[Editor’s note: is owned by BandLab Technologies, which also owns Uncut.]