David Cameron has been goaded over his love of The Smiths at Prime Minister’s Questions in the House Of Commons today (December 8).

The Prime Minister has been criticised in recent days by both Morrissey and Johnny Marr for being a fan of the Manchester band, with the latter saying he forbade Cameron from liking them.


Ahead of tomorrow’s controversial vote on raising tuition fees, Cameron was challenged by Labour MP Kerry McCarthy, who mentioned The Smiths in her argument. See Publications.parliament.uk for the full written transcription.

“As someone who claims to be an avid fan of The Smiths, the Prime Minister will no doubt be rather upset this week to hear that both Morrissey and Johnny Marr have banned him from liking them,” McCarthy said.

She added: “The Smiths are, of course, the archetypal student band. If he wins tomorrow night’s vote, what songs does he think students will be listening to? ‘Miserable Lie’, ‘I Don’t Owe You Anything’ or ‘Heaven Knows I’m Miserable Now’?”


Cameron‘s response included several Smiths song titles, too.

He said: “I expect that if I turned up I probably wouldn’t get ‘This Charming Man’ and if I went with the Foreign Secretary [William Hague] it would probably be ‘William It Was Really Nothing’.”

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