Olly Knights and Gale Paridjanian first soft-shoed into view in 2001 as part of the ‘new acoustic movement’, quickly making a name for themselves with their mellifluous and prettified, alt-pop tuneage and sweet vocal harmonising.


However, their upcoming album, ‘Dark On Fire’ (due out in September) promises to show them in a rather different light.

They’ve described ‘Ghost’ – one of the earlier tracks written for it – as “edgy and downright slinky like nothing before; it lit an inferno under our asses and propelled us into our fourth LP.” Turin Brakes’ first festival appearance for two years will be in the Uncut Arena at Latitude on Saturday.


Latitude takes place this weekend, July 12 – 15 at Henham Park, Southwold, Suffolk.

All the info you need is available here from www.latitudefestival.co.uk