Dubious rumours have spread that Bob Dylan was seen painting topless women in New York’s Central Park last week.


Unsurprisingly anonymous sources claim that the singer-songwriter was sat at an easel in the park on Thursday (June 13), painting a group of partially nude women. The group were reportedly all reading David Bowman’s futuristic novel, Bunny Modern, as part of a gathering set up by the artist and photographer Richard Prince, according to Animal New York, a website specialising in “art, news, culture, politics and opinion” from the city.

Dylan, or at least someone who was all “wild hair with good shades”, as the source puts it, was reportedly there with Prince – although a woman taking part in the Topless Pulp organisation claims the participants had no idea if the singer was actually present or not.

Writing on the group’s blog, she says: “Was the singer-songwriter responsible for anthems of social change such as ‘Blowin’ In the Wind’ and ‘The Times They Are A-Changin” there, too? If so, he didn’t come over and introduce himself. And we really wish he had.”


Too busy painting, perhaps. To complicate matters even further, Animal New York now report that the anonymous tipster has helpfully sent them a picture of Dylan’s reputed painting – which another anonymous source then states is clearly modelled on a photograph of Italian actress Sonia Aquino, taken by fashion photographer Bruno Bisang.

Were you in Central Park on June 13? Did you see Dylan painting topless women? Somehow, we suspect not, but we’re keeping an open mind…