A Broadway musical based on the songs of Uncut ‘Man of the Year’ Bob Dylan, “The Times They Are A-Changin’” is to close after only 28 performances.

Conceived and choreographed by Tony award-winning Twyla Tharp, the musical, which is set in a circus, has been derided by the local press, including the New York Times, since it opened on October 26.


Tharp was contacted by Dylan to work on the show after the success she had with “Movin’ Out” the musical based on the songs of Billy Joel.

Sadly, she appears to have not got the formula quite right this time.

Although “The Times They Are A-Changin’” fared well earlier this year during it’s run at the Old Globe Theater in San Diego, its transfer to New York was met by hostile reviews.


The Wall Street Journal wrote that the show “is so bad that it makes you forget how good the songs are”.

Broadway has seen a couple of high profile musical flops in the last year, “Good Vibrations” based on the songs of the Beach Boys, and “Lennon” based on The Beatles, both closed swiftly after critics panned them.

The show’s final New York performance will be on November 19, so if you’ve ever wanted to see trapeze set to “Like A Rolling Stone” or “Highway 61” – get down to Brooks Atkinson Theater quick.

Dylan has previously been quoted as saying that the show “is the best presentation of my songs I have ever seen or heard.”

Well, he would know.