Amy Winehouse will reportedly go to Miami with ‘Back to Black’ producer Salaam Remi to complete her third record.

The singer has been working with Remi in the Caribbean and London and wants to finish the album in Florida, according to reports.


But friends are said to be worried that returning to Miami, where she married ex husband Blake Fielder-Civil, may be upsetting to Winehouse.

A source told The Sun: “Amy is looking forward to getting out to Miami again to finish the album with Salaam, as he was so good on ‘Back to Black’.

“All her friends are worried though. She has mentioned she might meet Blake when he leaves rehab in Sheffield.


There have also been rumours that the singer would like to get back with her ex and maybe even have children.

The source told the tabloid: “Even more worrying is the fact that she has been feeling broody. That would be the ultimate disaster – the spawn of Fielder-Civil.

“Her dad Mitch is going ballistic about rumblings of a reunion.”

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