Thanks for all your suggestions regarding your favourite blogs. I’ve finally got around to putting together a list here – not 100 per cent sold on all of these, but they’re pretty good. Again, if you know any nice ones we’ve missed, please let us know in the comment box at the bottom of the blog.


Blimey, everyone likes Wavves at the moment, don’t they (I think he’s alright too, apropos nothing)?

And So On. . . As It Was



Attic Plan

Demob Happy

Destination: OUT

Expecting Rain

Glowing Raw

Gorilla Vs Bear

In League With Paton

In The Pines


Microphones In The Trees!



The Old, Weird America

Raven Sings The Blues

The Rest Is Noise

Root Blog

Said The Gramophone

Sasha Frere Jones


Slow Listening Movement

Something Excellent

Song, By Toad

Sunflower Chakra Milk

Thrasher’s Wheat

Time Has Told Me

To Die By Your Side

When You Awake

You Ain’t No Picasso