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Latitude: Uncut’s top ten Saturday highlights

So Saturday's been and gone - but (in no particular order) here's the UNCUT team's top ten highlights of Latitude's second day...

So Saturday's been and gone - but (in no particular order) here's the UNCUT team's top ten highlights of Latitude's second day... 1. Simon Armitage The most important poet since Andrew Motion, perhaps, but there's more - he's also got the personality and humour of a stand-up comedian and the obs...

So Saturday’s been and gone – but (in no particular order) here’s the UNCUT team’s top ten highlights of Latitude’s second day…

1. Simon Armitage

The most important poet since Andrew Motion, perhaps, but there’s more – he’s also got the personality and humour of a stand-up comedian and the obsession of the hardiest music fan. Perfect for Latitude.

2. Passion Pit

Hyped-up electro troupe turned the Sunrise Stage into a euphoric rave with their Supertramp-meets-LCD Soundsystem pop thrills.

3. Camera Obscura

A real classy turn on the Uncut Stage from the Scottish indie institution. As tuneful and witty but thankfully less fey than the likes of Belle & Sebastian, Tracyanne Campbell’s voice was truly a thing of liquid beauty.

4. Spiritualised’s noise ending

You can’t beat a good noise jam, and Jason Pierce’s gang didn’t disappoint, summoning a skronking five-minute noise coda of shrieking guitars and beaten organ at the end of their Uncut Stage headline set.

5. Grace Jones

A typically mental set from the legend, including asking if she was on the moon.

6. Jeffrey Lewis

New York’s punk-folk poet showcased a bunch of never-before-played new songs in the Poetry Tent on Saturday night. Death, suicide, self-loathing – but truly hilarious.

7. Marnie Stern

The First Lady of guitar-tapping indie weirdness was on good (and drunken) form on Saturday, rocking up her sound, talking about her private regions and generally being entrancingly wayward.

8. Doves

A wonderful and deeply-textured set in the Obelisk Arena from the Manchester heroes.

9. Michael Jackson dance competition

Grace Jones’ aftershow in the Cabaret Tent saw a moonwalking contest in tribute to the late great. UNCUT thought we’d leave it to the experts, though…

10. A woman wearing a papier mache moose head

Must we say more?

