Friday’s highlights, then.


** Fever Ray in the UNCUT Arena seems, by common consent, to have been an early Latitude peak. On stage lighting by way of standard lamps, a striking laser show and a backing band dressed partly as bird people. Oh, and the songs were pretty good, too.

** Pet Shop Boys covering Coldplay’s “Viva La Vida” as high-energy disco. Chris Martin has never sounded so good.

** The Pretenders covering Dylan’s “Forever Young” on the Main Stage.


** Jeremy Warmsley covering Tom Waits. In French. In the Music And Film Arena. C’est bon, n’est ce pas..? Mais, oui.

** Jeremy Hardy’s brilliant, hilarious musings in the UNCUT Arena.

** The bloke in the woods last night dressed as a robot doing dancing to early 80s electro.

** Jesus for a day! There were people walking on the surface of the lake. We don’t know how it’s done, but we honestly saw festival-goers striding across water.

** Wheelbarrows for hire. This year’s festival innovation. The best and quickest way to transport tired and grumpy children across the site to beddie-bies. Aw.

** And our heartiest congratulations to festival-goers Julian and Dora, who got engaged during Regina Spektor’s set. We don’t know ‘em, they don’t know us, but we couldn’t help but wade in with warm handshakes when he got proposed. On one knee. Ring, everything. Heart-warming stuff.

And an apology to anyone who tried to log on to the site yesterday evening, but found they couldn’t. We had a few minor technical glitches – hey, it’s a festival, what do you expect? – but everything should be running smoothly now. Thanks for your patience.

Anyway, off to Band Of Skulls, Simon Armitage and then cheer on UNCUT’s own David Quantick, who’ll be interviewing Rotters’ Club author Jonathan Coe in the Literary Arena.