Coming back to Knowlsey Hall today, Picture Editor May and I find a few things have changed…


First, the downpour last night during The Who‘s set has left the field used as a car park resembling the Louisiana bayou. Another field is quickly commandeered, but no one seems to know what to do with the current incumbents — a herd of sheep. They seem rather indifferent to the ever-increasing number of cars pulling up for the afternoon’s fun.

And still the rain comes.

In town earlier, Millets was full of women buying every single wellie in sight. Talking earlier to a security guard, he mentions that today is going to be “ladies day”. Joss Stone? Keane? “It’s for the mums and girls,” he mentions. Presumably, this might prove something of a relief in comparison to the blokeish crowd yesterday.


Anyway, I’m off to see Icicle Works now, so I’ll be back shortly to let you know how Ian McNabb and the chaps fare, plus Madness and The Zutons.