It’s been an amazing day for startling-voiced female singers at Latitude. Having just been overawed by the ethereal primeval vocals from Bat For Lashes over on the main stage, I wandered into Joan As Policewoman in a busy Uncut Arena.


Hailing from New Yawk, the Joan As Police Woman are fronted by the classically trained musician Joan Wasser. Wasser apologises for the late start of their show, and implores us to erase from our memories that we’ve just watch the long sound checking process. Though even her guitar tuning gets banter going in the tent.

The set sees her sat mostly at a shiny black piano, playing lush and fragile paens, bolstered by an upbeat tempo.


They play last year’s singles ‘The Ride’ and ‘Christobel’ – both of which are greeted with loud cheers from the crowd. Recent release ‘Flushed Chest’ from the band’s debut album also goes down a treat.

Wassers voice is incredible, and intense – I can’t wait to complete a trio of great inspiringly confident female fronted bands today – the supremely nutty Lovefoxxx is hoisting CSS onto the main Obelisk arena in half an hour. Here’s hoping for bubbles, helium and sexiness like the set I caught at Glastonbury the other week.

Hope you’re having a lovely day – almost time to put the SPF factor 20 cream away and get ready for the headliners.