A spiritual album
The Brothers And Sisters
Dylan’s Gospel

These are gospel covers of classic Bob Dylan songs, and it’s just been reissued on Light In The Attic. It’s just great song after great song, and to hear something exist in another musical realm and still work is really exciting. And I don’t think these songs are necessarily from Bob’s Christian period, but they all really, really resonate with spirituality. Merry Clayton is one of the singers on the record and, you know, she’s a fucking legend.



An album I’ve just discovered
Emmylou Harris
Wrecking Ball



This is a record that I didn’t really listen to at all when it first came out, but we’ve been putting it on in the house recently, and it’s just so beautiful. We were trying to figure out, “Who’s that singing in the background? Like, who is that?” Then, our friend came over and said, “Oh that’s Neil Young.” And once you hear him singing on the title track, which he also wrote, you can’t really unhear him. It’s pretty magical stuff.