Having watched you in Sheffield play with a group of friends, including Richard Hawley, your sister Saskia and some of the Fat Truckers, I wondered if you had ever thought about doing a little tour: An Evening with Jarvis Cocker and Richard Hawley. A night of anecdotes and music…
Susan Scott, Perth, Scotland
It might get a bit Richard Stilgoe and Peter Skellern, mightn’t it? It would certainly be interesting. Maybe one night would be OK. If we did it on a regular basis, it would be quite bad for my health, because being with Richard Hawley would probably involve quite a lot of drinking.

How did you get involved in the Harry Potter And The Goblet Of Fire film?
Paul Hartnoll, Orbital
Pulp had worked with Patrick Doyle on the Great Expectations remake. When he wrote the score for the Harry Potter movie, I was one of the people he asked to write a song, and they liked mine best. I thought they’d get someone else to perform it, but they asked us. What other chance would I get to be in a Hollywood blockbuster? We were on set for three days. All these extras were paid to scream at us like we were the most famous group in the wizarding world. So we had three days of being The Beatles.