Home Features Interview: Laura Veirs

Interview: Laura Veirs

In conversation with uncut about her album, Year Of Meteors.

UNCUT: How does Year Of Meteors relate to Carbon Glacier? LAURA VEIRS: They're related in that I wanted them to be unrelated. Ilways wanted to grow and push myself to do something different. I was experimenting with writing less structurally complex songs, they're pretty sparse in structure but not...

UNCUT: How does Year Of Meteors relate to Carbon Glacier?

LAURA VEIRS: They’re related in that I wanted them to be unrelated. Ilways wanted to grow and push myself to do something different. I was experimenting with writing less structurally complex songs, they’re pretty sparse in structure but not so sparse in arrangements. Carbon Glacier was a wintry album, this new one is more summery, more sunlit and bright.

Did you deliberately make the lyrics more abstract and poetic?

In some ways. On a few songs I really love the poetry but I don’t know where it came from or what it’s about. I don’t know exactly what it means, but that’s OK. In the past it definitely had to mean something, so I’m loosening up in that way.

Year Of Meteors is probably your poppiest album yet. Will you be as big as Gwen Stefani by the end of 2005?

You never know. I seriously doubt that… but I’m not ruling it out.

Interview by Stephen Dalton

