Thanks, first of all, to everyone who’s taken time to write in or message us on our social media with kind words about last month’s 300th issue. As ever, your support means a lot to us and it’s hugely satisfying to know that all of our hard work and effort has been appreciated.

So after all that… what next? How about Miles Davis? For issue #301, we wanted to make a statement, debut a new cover star and tell a story that remains largely untold elsewhere in mainstream music magazines. Davis – an artist who revolutionised music several times over – seemed like the perfect fit, and the period covered in Tom’s excellent cover story captures him during one of his many transformative periods, conveniently pulling him closer into our world that ever before. As Tom notes in his excellent piece, “Like Dylan, like Bowie, Miles contained multitudes”; read more on page 88.


Elsewhere in the issue, you’ll find excellent new interviews with Michael Head, Arooj Aftab, Glen Matlock, The Black Keys, Fatoumata Diawara, the Associates, Sharon Van Etten, Brian Eno and more. Eno’s old sparring partner, Bryan Ferry, has also written at length for us about all eight Roxy Music studio records, while the Stones’ most iconic album is saluted by a panel of heads, including Cat Power, J Mascis, Mike Scott, Adam Granduciel, Jennifer Herrema and Kurt Vile, and we take a peek at Dylan’s upcoming archival exhibition.

Finally, although our 300th issue shenanigans are over, we still have one more anniversary to celebrate this year. I won’t spoil the surprise but do please check out on May 1 and discover how we plan to mark our 25th anniversary…