To celebrate the release of our Ultimate Music Guide on Tom Waits, we thought we’d compile a list of 10 great clips from Waits’ formidable career.


So for your delectation, here’s some cuts – from live performances to film roles and his hilarious chat show appearances – that we hope catch the spirit of one of our most beloved musicians.

Our clips run from early UK TV performances on Old Grey Whistle Test through to a poetry reading, a fishing trip to Jamaica with John Lurie, facing down Iggy Pop in a Jim Jarmusch… and culminating with his appearance duetting with Mick Jagger at a Rolling Stones’ show from last year.



“Tom Traubert’s Blues”

live on the Old Grey Whistle Test (1975)

“16 Shells From A30.6” / “Cemetery Polka” / “In the Neighborhood”

live on The Tube (1985)

Charles Bukowski’s “The Laughing Heart”‬

From Fishing With John


“Jersey Girl”

VH1 Storytellers (1999)

“Chocolate Jesus”

live on Letterman (1999)

From Coffee And Cigarettes


Glitter And Doom press conference


Interview on the Jimmy Fallon Show


“Little Red Rooster”

live with the Rolling Stones (2013)

You can buy a digital copy of Tom Waits: The Ultimate Music Guide from iTunes or Zinio, or order a physical edition from here.