2011January ...

Low: “C’Mon”

Since I saw them play a series of shows at the Union Chapel in Highbury a good decade ago, I’ve always felt that Low’s music suited churches. Not because of the religious connotations as such, more because they were so suited to the space, stillness and reverberations inherent in those kind of buildings.

PJ Harvey: “Let England Shake”

The past few days I’ve been reading, on Rob Young’s recommendation, Alexandra HarrisRomantic Moderns, an excellent survey of how British artists and writers in the mid-20th Century tried to reconcile a modernist impulse with the residual lure of English cultural traditions.

The Third Uncut Playlist Of 2011

Apologies for the lengthy radio silence: a lot of hassle distracting me from blogs last week, not least the small matter of Uncut upping sticks and relocating to the Ninth Floor of the Blue Fin Building. Amidst all the crates, though, some pretty significant new records have turned up. Take a look at this lot…

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