2009May ...

Neil Young: Archives Volume One, 1963-1972

There’s a telling clip buried somewhere in “Archives Volume One”, where Neil Young is poring over a tableful of photographs and clippings with Joel Bernstein. Here, it seems, everything is ready for this release. Young talks enthusiastically about the recording of the Massey Hall show he’s been listening to – and then you notice the date of the footage. It is 1997. Not only has Young been talking up this project for decades, he also seems to have had most of the material sorted and to hand for most of that time.

The 17th Uncut Playlist Of 2009

After a couple of weeks away, there was quite a selection of stuff waiting for me when I returned to Uncut on Tuesday, as this playlist hopefully shows. A situation compounded yesterday by the arrival of Neil Young’s fabled first volume of “Archives”.

Wilco: “Wilco (The Album)”

Four or five listens in, I figured it might be useful to postpone the new playlist for a day and blog some preliminary thoughts on the new Wilco album, “Wilco (The Album)” (not crazy about the title). Jeff Tweedy has already been talking it up as something of a return to more “experimental” terrain which, at this point, seems to be a bit of a stretch.

The UNCUT review — Star Trek

STAR TREK HHHH DIRECTED BY JJ Abrams STARRING Chris Pine, Zachary Quinto, Eric Bana, Zoe Saldana, Simon Pegg OPENS MAY 8, CERT 12A, 126 MINS Rebooted with energy and wit, Star Trek has pulled off another generational shift. JJ Abrams may have invited flak from fans by claiming he wasn’t a big admirer of the science-fiction giant’s 43-year past (ten films, six separate series), but he’s ensured its future will now extend well into the 21st century. The new model is a sleek machine, marrying just the right degrees of cheeky irreverence, fresh ideas and awareness of when not to mess with a proud heritage. In short, it’ll please everyone, while never being as bland as that might sound.

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