2009April ...

The 14th Uncut Playlist Of 2009

Pretty weird mix this week, as I look down this list, not all of it fantastic. If I can break the usual protocols here, though, the Johnny Cash remix is really awful, and I speak as a Snoop Dogg fan. Given that “I Walk The Line” looked like the most interesting thing on the Cash remix album that turned up the other day, I suspect we might have found the worst record of 2009 already – though I must confess I don’t have the moral courage to check and make sure.

Watch: Jandek goes funk!

A vague plan to write about the new White Denim album this morning, comprehensively derailed when I discovered this amazing footage on Youtube. It features the elusive Jandek playing what is allegedly his first ever live show in his hometown of Houston. [youtube]acLwiYpSTFE[/youtube]

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