2009February ...

Bill Callahan: “This is supposed to be a short blurby interview, right?”

First off, in case you missed it, I posted a second blog on Friday afternoon: the long-promised round-up of links to other blogs. Thanks again for everyone who posted their recommendations – keep them coming.

Our Favourite Blogs

Thanks for all your suggestions regarding your favourite blogs. I’ve finally got around to putting together a list here - not 100 per cent sold on all of these, but they’re pretty good. Again, if you know any nice ones we’ve missed, please let us know in the comment box at the bottom of the blog.

First look — Charlie Kaufman’s Synecdoche, New York

“I’ve been thinking a lot about dying recently,” says Philip Seymour Hoffman’s neurotic theatre director Caden Cotard early on. And, certainly, you could be forgiven for thinking that the odds were stacked against him. Within the first half hour of Synecdoche, New York, there are enough portents of doom lurking around you’d think you were watching a tragedy, were it all not so funny.

Editor's Picks
