2008July ...

The 30th Uncut Playlist Of 2008

Morning, all. Just playing the excellent Telepathe album one more time, as I file the playlist from the last couple of days. I should get round to filing a review of that one next week, all being well. In the meantime, here's this week's pretty handsome selection. Don't forget to download the free Bob Dylan MP3 from http://bobdylan.com. A tantalising first taste of "Bootleg Series No 8: Tell Tale Signs", I'd say.

Bonnie “Prince” Billy: “Is It The Sea”

A couple or so months ago, I was grappling with Bonnie “Prince” Billy’s “Lie Down In The Light”, and wrote about Will Oldham’s increasing penchant for setting his voice up against more conventionally mellifluous female foils. That point seems worth making even more today, with the arrival of a new live album by the great man, “Is It The Sea”.

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