2007 ...

“The fucking Stooges”: the greatest rock and roll band?

We've just come back from The Stooges at the JJB/Puma Arena, sweaty, exhausted and exhilarated. Rarely have we ever seen a performance so elementally powerful, and rarely have we had the urge to get right down the front and go mad like we did tonight.

Rilo Kiley and Guillemots: a mid-afternoon treat

Their audience may have been tiny (to be brutally honest, the smallest we've seen in the JJB/Puma Arena this weekend), but every single one of them was hopelessly devoted to Rilo Kiley. Except the guys who were just hopelessly devoted to singer Jenny Lewis and her heart-stopping wardrobe, that is.

Seth Lakeman: rocking the psych-folk zeitgeist?

Having just seen Seth Lakeman on the JJB/Puma Arena at V Festival, we're pleased to report the Devon folk sensation's performances have got quite daring - yes, Lakeman seems to have dropped some lemon drops, toddled off to visit the fairies in the woods and gone psychedelic.

Sunday at V: the mud, the mud, the horror, the horror

It's raining today in Chelmsford. It's only midday and the site is already churned up to a mudbath. Out with the wellies, then, and on with the show.

Primal Scream destroy our eardrums with some techno-punk delights

"Not bad for a bunch of old cunts, eh?" says Mani at the end of Primal Scream's set - and he isn't wrong.

Babyshambles and The Coral at V – both on top form

While some recent Babyshambles performances have been like peeking into the rehearsal room of a really bad sixth form band, today they put on a surprisingly good show.

Edinburgh Film Festival — Saturday round up

It's raining at the moment and the press screenings have temporarily halted to allow the local cinemas to let real people in to see normal movies, like The Bourne Ultimatum. I thought I'd take advantage of this lull in the proceedings to catch up with what I've seen.

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