2007 ...

Today’s Uncut playlist, plus Ethiopiques

Apologies for the deadly silence over here these past two weeks. We haven't run out out of good music worth writing about, of course: the good CDs kept turning up, it's just that I wasn't in the office to play them.

WORLD EXCLUSIVE REVIEW — Dylan biopic “I’m Not There”

Our correspondent at the Venice Film Festival saw Todd Haynes' Dylan film I'm Not There this morning. Here's our exclusive report.

Another massive night for The Hold Steady

I knew I was heading for trouble at last night’s Hold Steady show at Camden’s Electric Ballroom when I realised that I was so excited by what I was listening to that I was knocking back a pint per song – which meant by rough reckoning that I was soon going to be either behaving outrageously or completely unconscious, unless one of us slowed down.

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