2007 ...

What we’ve played today in the Uncut office

Looks like I'm going to be resorting to a few playlists rather than full blogs this week. An exciting combination of deadlines and emergency dental work, and the distraction this afternoon of a man in a very good gorilla suit running around the office (blame NME) mean I haven't much time at the moment. But I'm still simultaneously working my way through the pile of new CDs that amassed while I was on vacation. Here, then, is what we've played thus far today:

First Look — Brad Pitt as Jesse James

Occasionally, in a quiet moment, I might find myself reflecting on the demise of the Western. At a recent preview screening for 3.10 To Yuma – starring marquee names Russell Crowe and Christian Bale, no less – the attendance was barely into double figures. I wonder, then, how the brilliant The Assassination Of Jesse James By The Coward Robert Ford will fare?

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